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Yoga Retreat

private & groups

Decrease anxiety, stress and manage pain


Image by Yannic Läderach

At Nati Yogi, I believe that Yoga is for everyone!

Yoga is not not just a physical practice, but a way of life that can help you manage pain, decrease anxiety, and reduce stress.


We specialize in teaching Ashtanga Yoga, a dynamic and powerful style of yoga that focuses on breath, movement, and meditation to help you achieve optimal health and wellness.

I will personally guide you through each pose and help you develop a deeper understanding of your body and mind.

Join us today to experience the transformative power of Ashtanga Yoga.


My journey with Yoga began in my 30s, when I was dealing with chronic pain.


I found that Yoga was not only helpful for pain relief, but it also helped me cope with the demands of daily life.


As a Yoga instructor, I seek to share my own experience with students, and help them modify asanas to their own physical condition and abilities.


For me, the perfect class is one where students of all levels can find something that resonates with them and leave feeling refreshed, rejuvenated, and energized.

Downward Dog

Ashtanga Yoga was developed by T. Krishnamacharya and popularized by his student K. Pattabhi Jois in the 20th century.

Ashtanga Yoga is a vigorous and structured style of yoga known for its physically demanding postures (asanas) linked together by breath (vinyasa).

It offers a challenging and rewarding practice for those seeking to build strength, flexibility, and inner peace.

 What is Ashtanga Yoga ?



One-on-one ashtanga Yoga

Image by Annie Spratt

 Rehabilitation Yoga 

Yoga Class for all Ages

Yoga for elderly's

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